Category: BLOG
Little: Don’t despise the days of little beginning
There are a lot of benefits from hard work and never despise the days of little beginnings, enjoy it while it lasts. We’ve all been placed on earth for different purposes and what one does differs from the other person. The similarity we have is being the authentic copy/original copy in the calling we’ve been…
Advice: Be careful with the kind of advice you receive.
Each and every one of us has been placed on earth for a specific purpose. People offer various forms of advice which may be good or bad. As little children, we were taught by our parents, teachers, guardians the difference between right and wrong. When we begin growing up, we develop wisdom and are able…
Tackling Depression the Christian way
Depression is a medical illness that negatively affects how one feels. Other terms of depression are misery, sadness, unhappiness, sorrow etc. Depression is a mental health disorder and diagnosing this condition clinically involves questions being asked such as; loss of appetite, decreased mood, decreased energy, suicidal ideas, apathy etc. Depression has no respect for persons,…
Man: The Truth about the origin of Man.
Man is created by God. After God created everything and said be fruitful and multiply, God then decided to make man in His own image after His very likeness and for him to have dominion over all the earth (Gen 1: 26). This was how it all started. The name of the first man ever…
Giving: The secret behind being wealthy on earth.
Nobody wants to be poor, everyone wants to be comfortable and rich on earth but the key to this is giving. Before anything can materialize in the physical realm, it would have been concluded spiritually. Just as faith is used in receiving things from God like our healing, deliverance etc, giving productively results in one…
Speaking things into existence
One mystery we have in the kingdom of God is speaking boldly. Not many people believe in this mystery. The direction in which one’s destiny is being driven is determined by what has been said or what is being said. God spoke all we can see into existence. In Genesis 1, we can see a…
Trial: Using the trial in your life for something good.
We learn a lot passing through tests and trial in our lives. As we know, we are all on earth for a particular purpose and it’s our duty to find what this purpose is. Begin to walk with God to attain the greater goal. God uses weaker vessels for His glory i.e people that are…
Boldness: Don’t let anyone put you down
Boldness can be defined as not being fearful or hesitant in the face of possible danger. According to the Cambridge dictionary, it means a brave and confident way of behaving that shows no fear. The phrase as bold as a lion is a common phrase. The Lion is known to be the King of the…
Work: Why things are not working for you
For every problem in life, there is an authentic solution. Finding this solution all depends on you. Every problem in one’s life should be taken as a project. Inquire, read, practice/ put to work what you’ve learned, look for others that have had a similar issue and work with them. In essence, one needs to…
Self-esteem: Working on your Self-esteem
Self-esteem can be described as self-worth. This is how an individual subjectively evaluates him/her self. Seeing yourself as either being worth it or not. Various occurrences happen in life that could cause us to change the perception of who we are. This could result in one developing low self-esteem. People should understand that we all…