be yourself

Free to be you

I would like to ask a question. If you are given another chance to come back to this world, would you prefer to be someone else or you just want to be yourself?

The song from Lion King says, ” if there is so much I must be can I still just be me, the way I am”.

Can you really say being who you are is all you wish for if given another opportunity without a doubt? Well, not too many people will be positive about this, some would rather be famous, wealthy, etc. But all these people started from somewhere.

A lot of people are not happy with who they are. They pretend to be by smiling, being happy with everyone but deep down, its something else. May I also add that those rich and famous people you want to be like and you will give anything to be like are just humans like you. They have their own good and bad times, they have their challenges, fears, etc.

If you are given the opportunity to take a peek into their lives, you might be surprised what you’ll see. I’ve had famous people taking their own lives, but why is that?

Helping Yourself

Appreciate who you are, be comfortable with who you are. Are you transitioning from having lots of hair to getting bald? or were you once popular but now, everything has faded away? Was it that lost relationship that gave you an identity?

Well, I would love to shock you. You are beautiful, you are handsome and most of all, you are unique. Even identical twins are uniquely different. I am not saying these words to make feel good, I’m only telling you the truth which you may not know or may not be aware of.

You need to be aware of the fact that you are unique. There is something that you do perfectly, even if you are in competition with 10,000 persons you will always come out the best. Look for what this is, work hard towards it, even though it may look little or not promising, don’t give up. It’s only a matter of time then you’ll see the fruit of your labour paying off.

Undersize or oversize occurs when you try to do another persons work because you “believe” you can succeed there. No matter how you try, it just will not fit you and you won’t feel comfortable.



Digressing a bit from the topic, my previous post, No parking, No waiting, Keep moving has something on finding what makes you unique. I won’t be dwelling much on it but I would like to say that once you’ve found what makes you unique, don’t push it aside to run after money.


Start Something

Find the time to start something, you can dedicate a few hours to nurture that dream. I know leaving the work that gives you money and putting all your effort into the dream that isn’t yielding anything yet can be quite frustrating and can only lead to one getting discouraged.

It’s important that you start little by little, then when that dream flourishes, you can then switch over to full-time.

Actually, people are scared of starting or taking risks so as not to be called losers. Some others who finally start are not patient enough to wait for growth to take place. This is important also, that something looks small today does not mean it will not grow tomorrow its all a matter of time and how would you know if you’ll become a success when you have not even started.


Be happy

You have to learn to be happy with who you are regardless of the situation in your life. This includes mentally, socially, medically, etc. Don’t let people bring you down, don’t give them that right, take care of yourself, pamper yourself, stay clear of negative people, find time to relax, be positive.

When you truly love and take care of yourself, then you will be able to love and take care of others without pretending. There is a strong relationship between being positive and being you. Have a positive view of life. It’s not so easy to build a positive attitude but it’s very possible and once built, beware of any negative attitude that will want to fly in.

Just as it takes time and effort to build a house but quite easy to destroy, the same goes for building a positive attitude and the effect of a negative attitude.

If all the flashy things in life are taken away from you, would you still recognize yourself? Appreciate yourself and don’t wait for others to appreciate you.

I hope you enjoyed this write up, stay tuned for more. As usual, would love to hear from you and you can connect with me on Facebook. For the previous post check here.


Chidinma Oluchi.

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