having a close relationship with your father


When all hope is lost, will you still be standing? When you feel you’ve been working hard but nothing to show for it when you cry to God but you feel no one is answering you who do you run to?

It is important to begin building a strong relationship with God so that when trials and tribulations come your way, you would be able to stay strong.

Some individuals, at the early stage of their lives, were Christians, they loved God and were on fire for Him but when challenges of life came tough on them, they turned their back on God, seeking help from other sources.

Any alternate source is from the devil no matter how well polished it looks.

The devil has got nothing, all he has was stolen and when Jesus went to hell and collected the key of death and hell from him.

He was stripped off all the power he had on man, he no longer has the power to kill any man only if one willingly donates himself to him, in fact, he himself needs help.

The devil is in grave danger because his time is really running out, his judgment has been concluded and he does not want to go down alone.

Man is still lucky because his judgment has not been concluded as far as he is still alive. No matter where you are or what you are doing or have done, you still have a wonderful opportunity to revert to the side of Jesus before it becomes too late.

The devil has a major weapon of fear and doubt, he makes a situation look difficult and impossible If one begins to fear, that person has willingly opened the door to the devil.

Sin also gives him free access to man’s life. He cannot force himself into your life without you opening the door.

Challenges may come along the way, it’s only a matter of time that all will disappear just keep your eyes focused on God. Build your faith, study the word of God, listen to tapes, read books related to that challenging area and as you get to know God more and more, it becomes easy for you to stand firm in difficult situations.

I remember growing up, I knew God but I didn’t really because I never thought that kind of thing was possible.

With time, I began to see some things around my life, I began reading Christian books and listening to tapes from strong men of God some of whom have passed on to glory and some are still standing strong.

having a close relationship with your father

I began to understand what the word of God says because I was actually poor with reading my Bible, there was always this feeling of tiredness around me whenever I picked up my Bible to read it.

Not only did I just read, but I also began putting all I had learned into practice and began to see amazing results. This lead to me having a better relationship with God.

Do you know that it is possible to have a close relationship with God and He shows you a lot of things to come even some evil that the devil may have planned against someone close to you?

Once you do your part by praying through, you can be sure of victory. There are other time when you don’t really know what is wrong and you feel a burden in your heart to pray about something, you can just pray in the Spirit.

Remember that “the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” (Romans 8: 26, New Living Translation)

Having a serious relationship with God is very important if you want to have a sorrow-free or worry-free life. Also, a relationship with God requires growth just like any other relationship.

You start bit by bit then get to the point where you become highly sensitive to the things of the Spirit and you have all the fullness of God.

A serious relationship with God makes you more than a conqueror. When trials come your way, you will come out victorious because you know your God too well and those who do know their God shall be strong and do great exploits.

This is no myth or fiction but the truth, I wish people could just try to have a relationship with God, it’s a very interesting journey.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and as usual, would love to hear from you.


Chidinma Oluchi.

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