Obstruct: Let no Mountain Obstruct me I am Moving on.

Let no Mountain Obstruct me, I am moving on


Let no Mountain Obstruct me, I am moving on

Irrespective of the mountain or barrier trying to obstruct me, I am moving on. May this become someone’s determination today. Great men are made from great stories. Many of the great men and women we love and respect have stories. Show me a great man and I will show you his scar. What consumed others, this group of people came out of it strong.

Our reasoning and mentality have a lot to do with how well we fare in life. A man that has a mentality of being a failure cannot fare well in life and such a person will not go far until his mentality is changed. A man that falls, rises up, learns a lesson or two from the fall and sees his victory ahead of him is heading for the top.

One who always bothers about what people say or does things to impress others will not achieve much in life because pathfinders, trailblazers, pacesetters do their things differently. They do things in ways others have not done before or were not patient enough to achieve or consider impossible. To stand out in life and fulfill destiny, you will need to face your God and yourself.



Obstruct: Let no Mountain Obstruct me I am Moving on.
Obstruct: Let no Mountain Obstruct me I am Moving on.



Moving forward

Obstacles are inevitable. They will always come. It is what one does with such obstacles that make one either a victor or defeated. Children of God will naturally face obstacles because the devil will try his best to push them off course and destiny thereby hindering the plan of God in their lives. God forbid, he shall not succeed. Without and obstacle or a test, one may not be ready to move to the next level. As believers, obstacles are cleared through our faith in God, His Word and sometimes prayer and fasting.

Sometimes, obstacles are already cleared in the spiritual realm but may seem to be getting worse in the physical realm (like a mirage). In such cases, keep your faith alive. Other times, obstacles need to be ignored. When you don’t pay attention to them they vanish. This particular example is very common with those going through one form of sickness or the other. When you nurture that sickness or disease, it blossoms but once it’s ignored it goes back.

No matter what it is, God is more than able to handle it. Ask God what He wants you to do and do it. Let no mountain obstruct you and keep moving on.

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Making the most of your journey on earth is a book that is on what we need to do to have a great life on Earth and enjoy the benefits when we get to Heaven. Click below to access the book



making the most of your life on earth
making the most of your life on earth


Stay Blessed.



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