Love yourself, Take care of yourself

Love yourself, take care of yourself.

Some people see taking care of one’s self as being selfish. This is a wrong perception. Being selfish means you concentrate only on yourself and things that belong to you (e.g family) forgetting others. This is not the same as taking good care of yourself. So many even see this as a sin. This is not true. 

It is God’s will that we prosper and be in good health even as our soul prospereth. It is the will of God that we have peace and joy. Anything not in line with this is a lie from the pit of hell.

Being ignorant of what belongs to you enables the devil to use it as an advantage against the individual. God wants you to be fit, happy, and flourishing so that when He begins to work through you, it will be easy to share this fruit with others without stress. In essence, you can’t give what you don’t have.

How to love/ take care of yourself.

There are various ways in which we take care of ourselves and this involves different aspects, i.e spiritual, mental (emotional) and physical.


Firstly, the spirit man is the real you. He/ she will still be alive and well after one leaves the body behind on earth. While on earth, it’s through the spirit man one is able to communicate with God The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. It is through this means that we are able to receive directions from God.

There is usually a struggle between the flesh (body) and the spirit man. While the flesh wants to eat, the spirit wants to fast. The flesh will want to party, take alcohol, drugs,etc the spirit man would rather pray and spend time with God. To be in tune with God, it’s better we keep our bodies under and let our spirit man take the lead.

In order to love the spirit man, one needs to feed him with the word of God and things pertaining to the kingdom of God on a daily basis.

Mentally (emotionally)

This aspect involves the soul. We need to renew our soul through the word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to help us in all three areas.


This involves eating healthy, exercising, taking time to rest, pampering yourself in a while. God has given us this physical body and it’s our responsibility to take care of it.

I will be stopping here for now. To access the previous post, check here. Feel free to join our Facebook page. The next post will be on loving your neighbour.

Remain Blessed.



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