My Greener Pasture

My Greener Pastures

Everyone wants a greener pasture. This story is about two friends.

Mike and John are friends who attended the same university and studied the same course. Mike finished with a second class lower while John finished with a second class upper.

Graduating from the university, they were both excited and a bit nervous about what life will bring their way. Only God knows the end of a thing from the beginning, “John said”.

John was known to be more religious than Mike and would always invite Mike for church meetings. In most cases, Mike will come up with excuses not to attend but this very day, Mike decided to go.

During the sermon, Mike heard something that baffled him. He learnt that God has a plan and purpose for our lives and He expects us to fulfill it. Mike had always thought that we as individuals should have plans then expect God to back up our plans.

This sounded really strange to Mike and Made him more inquisitive towards the things of God.

After waiting for about 6 months, job opportunities began to open up for both of them. Both Mike and John were given rare opportunities to work abroad. Mike remembered the sermon that opened his eyes to know that God has plans for us. He decided to seek God’s help on what to do regarding his destiny. In a state of confusion, he asked John for help. John believed he should be realistic and there was no use thinking twice about it. He said it’s a wonderful opportunity and God would understand if he took it.

Working in this country is just a waste of time. Why not go for the “greener pasture” John said.



My Greener Pasture
My Greener Pasture



Comparing Mike and John

In the first 5 years, things seemed to be moving slow for Mike. He was never in need and there was little progress though not as fast as he would have wanted. On the other hand, John was making it big time. He was making a lot of money and began to show off his wealth.

Anytime Mike saw this, he would always wonder if he made the right decision. He would ask God if it really is His will for him to remain in this country.

As time went on, things began to grow for Mike. He quit his job, became an employer of labour, had a huge business empire and was in the process of opening another.

John became bored with work and seemed to be doing the same routine on a daily basis. With his growing family came more responsibilities with little increment in salary. John became an average man.

Mike had the opportunity of traveling to any country of his choice because of the nature of his job. His product was in huge demand across many nations of the earth. Not only was Mike wealthier than John, but he also enjoyed what he did.

Lessons from a greener pasture

The end of a thing matters more than the beginning. When God’s hand is in something, it always goes up. It may look slow in the beginning but the end is usually greatly increased.

The lesson here is to seek and follow the plan of God for your life. God may need you to go abroad or stay back in your country. He knows what is best for you and even ordained it before you were born. Doing things because others are doing it is not wisdom. 

It is God’s plan we should follow and not ours because we will surely give account to Him at the end of our journey. When you follow God’s plan, you enjoy His peace roundabout and things become stressless. Go for the perfect will of God rather than His permissive will.

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