Results: Why are some people getting results and I am not_

Results: Why are some people getting results and I am not?

Results: Why are some people getting results and I am not?

There are those who have results and things working well easy for them while there are others that would have to struggle to get the same things done. Does this mean that God is partial? No. 

The reason why people are getting authentic results and others are not is that they are doing what others are not doing. The reason why people come out with distinctions in various subjects is that they searched further and applied what has been learned from their search.

This principle applies both to the physical and spiritual realm. In the physical realm, trailblazers, pace-setters, etc. see things that others don’t see and do things that others don’t do. A number of them know the value of time and how to utilize it appropriately. 

In the spiritual sense, we want to be like men and women of God who don’t struggle to get things done. We also want to be like those who signs and wonders follow naturally. Well, they all have stories to tell. Sacrifices were made. They say a man’s star is in his story. If one wants to be like them, one has to find out what they did and do it.

Some Criteria needed

One criterion to have what these men/ women of God have is our love for God. We know love is the fulfillment of the law. Everything works by love including faith, prayer, and fasting.

Furthermore, your faith in God gives you access to things cheaply as it is to every one according to their faith. The level of result one sees is a function of the faith level in that person’s life. 

Faith can be built by taking personal responsibility. This can be done by studying the Word of God, prayer, and fasting. The closer your walk with God, the more of God you experience in and around your life.




Results: Why are some people getting results and I am not_
Results: Why are some people getting results and I am not_





We don’t fully understand the benefits we have with God until we start walking with Him day by day. Some of us see these miracles daily but take it for granted (this is risky). Men/ women of God know when their time is up and they are not scared but eager to go home unlike others who are scared of the unknown.

Taking responsibility

It is our responsibility to draw closer to God for us to access all He has for us not we waiting for Him to draw close to us. This depends on us and the choices we make.

It is not the will of God for people to die before their time. The reason why such things are still happening is that people have not yet seen the light. The light that overshadows every darkness.

Although things are getting darker in this world and the enemy is coming up with new methods of dragging people to hell, this is the time for the body of Christ to shine. It is the time for people around to see the light of God working in your life thereby choosing to serve your God.

Knowing who you are in Christ will help you a lot in the journey of life. Many people develop terminal cancer/ disease but not all of them die.

Some have been made whole again. Many have received negative reports from doctors who are just human beings like us and limited. These reports have ended up turning into good news by the power of God.

That a lot of people are going through similar situations and it seems like it’s normal does not mean you should be a part of it. 

The reason why the victorious have results is because of the search they underwent, the knowledge they gained i.e the light that broke forth in their direction and how well they applied it to their lives.

Steps to take 

The first step is to become a child of God. Hand over the battle to Him and acknowledge Him as the God of all possibilities.

Secondly, take responsibility, go after light. Study the word of God concerning that area, look for people who once had what you have and are now free. Read books, listen to tapes and begin to do what they did (which is always in line with the Word of God) with all of your heart.

When you see results (because you surely will) don’t forget to testify to preserve your blessings and keep working with God.

God bless you. To access the previous post, check here. You can join our Facebook community and to get in touch, fill the contact form below.

Stay Blessed.




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