Tackling Depression the Christian way

Tackling Depression the Christian way

Depression is a medical illness that negatively affects how one feels. Other terms of depression are misery, sadness, unhappiness, sorrow etc. Depression is a mental health disorder and diagnosing this condition clinically involves questions being asked such as; loss of appetite, decreased mood, decreased energy, suicidal ideas, apathy etc.

Depression has no respect for persons, gender or occupation. Causes of depression are numerous, one thing leading to another. A large number of people have this condition but because of the stigma attached to it and other mental health conditions, they rather keep it to themselves than ask for help. Not all persons with this condition will actually keep a long face. When in the company of others, they interact very well that no one will suspect them having this condition.

Depression can also be seen among those addicted to different kinds of things. Some really want to get out, they’ve tried but this spirit seems to have taken hold of them.

The Brighter Side

Just as there are happy people, there are also sad people, some people are rich, others are poor. The difference between this group of people is knowing something that others don’t know and applying what you know to your daily life.

As people are shouting economic meltdown and being retrenched, some others are progressing from one promotion to another. The difference is knowledge. You will be amazed how knowing about something can bail you out of any ailment and condition if the knowledge is applied.

Medicine has really improved, there are medications called anti-depressant that help people with depression. There are also other medical procedures that could be done depending on the severity.

Just as there is medical treatment for various medical conditions, there are people who don’t fall sick and have lived many years without taking any medication. This does not mean they don’t have symptoms, but they know exactly what to do when the devil shows his ugly head.

Whatever one chooses is what one gets. You either develop your faith with respect to the condition of concern to you resulting in one being above the situation or settle for less because you can’t stress yourself. Behind every sickness, disease, addiction, depression and every other thing the devil has to offer is a spirit. For every good thing you see in Christ, is the Spirit of God behind it.

It is your duty to wrestle with what you don’t want. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10: 4). The armor or weapon we use to war against these forces are spiritual ( Ephesians 6: 13- 16). This makes so much sense because as much as we are physical beings, we are more spiritual than physical. Every manifestation that occurs on earth has been concluded spiritually before it occurs on earth.

In addition to other armors, the Spirit of Faith is used to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. You use the Spirit of Faith to quench the spirit of fear in your life just as you use the spirit of Joy (one of the fruits of the spirit) to quench all forms of unhappiness or depression in your life.

Sources of Joy

  1. Salvation: When you become a new being, you are being translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Nothing like depression or sadness in the Kingdom of light. When you surrender to Christ, you receive His Joy.
  2. Keeping the Commandments of God. John 15: 10- 11 
  3. Soul Winning: There is Joy in Heaven over one soul that repents ( Luke 15: 7, 10). You can’t make Heaven rejoice and not have this Joy replicated in your life. Lack of Joy causes ones to harvest to perish ( Joel 1: 12)
  4. Walking closely with the Spirit of God. One of His fruits is Joy which will automatically rub off on you (Galatians 5: 22- 23)

The blood of Jesus is a weapon you use for any situation around your life including depression but you must belong to Christ in order for this to work for you.

Before I end, there is something important I’ll like to add. It is important that you accept Jesus into your life if you haven’t and let Him be your personal Lord and Saviour. If you are in this category, join me in the salvation prayer.


Lord Jesus, I come as a sinner, forgive me all my sins, cleanse me with your blood. I accept you today as my personal Lord and Saviour, I am free from all powers of sin, to serve the living God.

Welcome to the family of God dear friend I would love to keep in touch with you. Contact me @ oluchinwoha@gmail.com or Tumblr

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Stay Blessed.

Chidinma Oluchi.


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