The Watering phase_ At the end, it shall speak

The watering phase: At the end, it shall speak

The watering phase will either make or break your seed. This applies to various fields such as business, career, relationships, and spiritual life. It is a very sensitive phase that requires physical and spiritual components. Physical requirements include; hard work and dedication. 

In order for your seed to grow well, hard work is necessary. Hard work could involve investing one’s time and resources, developing skills, or finding better ways of handling a particular project. There is a saying that you can’t keep doing things the same way and expect a better result. An upgrade is necessary to remain relevant in the society and it also adds value to your seed sown.

Dedication on the other hand involves being persistent with what you do. Continuity is the rule here. Although you may not see any results now, keep at it because, in the end, it will speak.

The spiritual aspect of the watering phase requires patience and thanksgiving. For those who adhere to the leading of the Spirit of God, one factor among others that sets the difference between the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God is patience. People have planned their lives out to the extent of doing whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. Just as we have our plans, God also has His plans for us. 

When we see people getting things we don’t have, we should remember that what we have, some people are in dire need of it. God’s timing is different from ours. His ways and thoughts are way higher than ours. Where He wants one person to wait and get matured enough before moving to the next level, the other could be ready and move immediately. He handles His children differently, all we need to do is obey and trust that He has our best interest at heart.

There is the good, the permissive/acceptable, and perfect will of God. Why settle for the good when you can have the perfect will of God? Sometimes people twist God’s hands to give them things they shouldn’t have yet and this comes with consequences. Other times, people leave God and go after mammon all as a result of impatience, this ends up in tragedy. Patience is a virtue and one who has it will accomplish a lot in life.

Thanksgiving which is also a requirement has a multiplier effect. When you thank God for the “little” you have now, He will release the “bigger one” in due time. One cannot receive all that God has for him/ her without being grateful. To know more about thanksgiving, feel free to read the post here.

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