Understanding Life Trials as a Mystery

Understanding life trials as a mystery

Life is a mystery. There are some things we may not understand until we get to Heaven but understanding is very important to us on earth. The Word of God opens our eyes to new things. We should always bear in mind that in the midst of every trial, there is always a way of escape.

The mountain may look great and unbearable but the solution is always close by. Unfortunately, the devil uses this trying moment in people’s lives to convert them into his kingdom. The devil makes the mountain look so big then plants his agents nearby so that in one’s weakest moment, one would yield to the advice given by that agent.

In most cases, these groups of people are disguised as Christians but they really are not and deceive many.

Only those that are sensitive in the Spirit are able to pick such people up. Instead of looking elsewhere during tough times, look inwards because the greater one is in you. There is no need looking far. 1 John 4: 4 says; “ ye are of God, little children and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

Way Forward

During this period, never lose hope because the kingdom of light always triumphs over darkness. In the kingdom of darkness, things normally look beautiful and rosy at the initial stage to entice people. The end is destruction and death.

The kingdom of light usually starts small, there is plenty of room for learning and development. Wealth and riches don’t just suddenly appear, there is a process and each process enables one to stabilize and depend on God. At the end of it all, one will end up being blessed roundabout and not only that, you will have enough riches to pass on to the next generation.


Understanding Life Trials as a Mystery
Understanding Life Trials as a Mystery



The Bible says in Proverbs 13:22, “ A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” Well, this is interesting. Sinners labor for the righteous to enjoy their wealth.

In tough times, look inward, that’s where you find strength. The Spirit of God is always speaking. All you need to do is stay calm and listen. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. You can relate to Him just the way you relate to a close friend. The Holy Spirit is the advantage a number of people don’t know about.

The Holy Spirit, our advantage

He replies to your questions, tells you what to do and who you should be aware of. The Spirit of God tells you things that will happen in the future, things no human knows. He helps us in understanding the Word of God. He helps us in understanding what God plans for us and shows us a way of escape when things are tough.

I really don’t know how people manage in hard situations without the Holy Spirit. It’s good to have the Word of God and believe but it’s wonderful to have the Holy Spirit comfort you in trying moment. I don’t know how He does it but He really has that button to change one’s sad-looking face to a joyful one.

The Word of God comes first but in addition, one needs the Spirit of God to make understanding easier. In John 14: 26 (Amplified version) says, “But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strength, Standby), the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name (in my place, to represent me and act on my behalf), He will teach you all things and He will help you remember everything that I have told you. The Holy Spirit is a must to have. This is one of the diverse ministries of the Holy Spirit.

I hope you enjoyed this post. To access the previous post check here, you can also contact me on Tumblr.

making the most of your life on earth
making the most of your life on earth


Making the Most of your life on Earth is a book that shows one what living on earth is meant to be with benefits of eternity. The book (PDF) goes for $4.99. If you are interested, you can access it here.

Stay blesses.

Chidinma Oluchi.



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