Purpose in impacting your generation

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Picture this, when you enter a big market, there are various sections. Each vendor has something to offer and this may be different from the next vendor. At the end of the day, you return home with different goods you’ve purchased from different vendors. This is a picture of what is happening on earth. Each one of us are like these vendors. We have something unique that the earth/ people around us need. Our God-given purpose is tied to it. 

One of the reasons why some people are not doing well is because they’ve left their God-given purpose and are pursuing/ copying someone else’s. You are your own original. There is no second you. Once you are connected to the source (God) and you are following His plan and purpose for your life, you will never lack divine ideas. Heavenly ideas will be given to you and then your unique personality will begin to emerge.

It’s in this purpose that you will be able to impact your generation, generate wealth, live comfortably on earth, and receive your reward in Heaven. The basic principle guiding this is Holiness, Love, Obedience, and Faith.


It is important to note that on your way to impacting your generation/ fulfilling destiny you will need to go through processes ordained by God. These include trials, tests, period of refining. As you get better and pass each test, you move to the next level. As a believer in Christ, it is normal to be challenged but abnormal to be defeated because we are in Christ and Christ already overcame the world.

God rewards us according to our obedience, soul winning, giving (towards the poor/needy, the house of God, etc.). These Bible passages give further details. Matthew 19: 29, Mark 10: 29, Luke 18: 29, Luke 14: 26).

When going about our daily lives, we should remember that the reason why we are on planet earth is to fulfill God’s plan for us and not our own plan. We didn’t create ourselves but God created us for a purpose.

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Remain Blessed.



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